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Same Day Title Transfer Services

Trustworthy and Hassle-free Title Transfers

At Fast Tag, we specialize in making title transfers quick and stress-free.


Our team of experienced professionals understands the intricate process of transferring vehicle titles, and we are committed to ensuring a seamless experience for our customers.


Whether you're buying or selling a vehicle, we have you covered.

What Do I Need to Transfer my Car Title in Florida?

In order to transfer your car title in Florida, you will need the following documents:

  • Original title, properly filled out and signed by the seller.

  • Proof of identification, such as a valid driver's license or passport.

  • Proof of Florida insurance coverage.

  • Completed Application for Certificate of Title With/Without Registration (Form HSMV 82040).

  • A completed Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) verification.

  • Payment for the required transfer fees.


Fast and Reliable Title Transfer Services

At Fast Tag, we offer a wide range of fast and reliable title transfer services to ensure that you get your title transferred seamlessly.


Our team of experts works efficiently to make the transfer process stress-free for you.


We strive to save you time and money by providing quick and low-cost services.

At Fast Tag, we have teamed up with the DMV to offer you a faster and more convenient way to process your orders. Our goal is to save you time by eliminating the need to wait in long lines at the DMV offices.

As an authorized third-party service, we take on the responsibility of gathering all the necessary documentation for your requested services and working closely with the DMV's official representatives. You can trust us to handle all the paperwork and ensure a seamless process for you.

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